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I came across this document while exploring the archives of (Altfandra). I felt that it was amazing and worth perserving, I was awestruck by some of the awesome text based artwork in the document and wished to get it out there for as many others to see it as possible.

If you are the owner of this document, and wish it to be taken down, please feel free to contact me, I was just amazed and wanted to get it out there for others to see, I meant no offense.

Created 2019-02-25
Changed 2022-01-14
Version 1
Size 297.26 KB
System Windows
Downloads 672

This is a decoder program for DragonCode Version 2, I noted that I could not find it online anymore, so felt that it would be best to attempt to preserve such.

If Forfaox or anybody else would like this program removed, please just drop me a line.

Information on the DragonCodeV2 can be found Here:

Created 2019-02-25
Changed 2022-01-14
Size 324.5 KB
Downloads 1,375
In the Spring of 2011 I spent about a week consuming dangerous amounts of caffeine and sugar in order to spew out what I call an otherkin guide.
I wrote it in order to share my personal experiences and advice with newly awakened kin. It exists in a roughly forty page long pdf format and covers an immense variety of topics in four Sections.
Section one being the spirituality of otherkin.
Section two being the social implications of otherkin / draconity.
Section three being the psychology of otherkin.
Section four being useful advice and quotes.
The topics of each category are listed within a contents section at the start of the guide.
Due to the fact that I have been a lurker for several years and do not speak with many other dragons outside of those few who have stumbled upon me in the past, criticism and critique of this guide is highly encouraged!


I would rather be told that I have been wrong or opinionated on some subjects than to risk leading newly awakened kin astray from their natural paths.
Created 2019-02-25
Changed 2022-01-20
Size 418.17 KB
Downloads 783