Welcome, it seems that you have found our community, we welcome you! ^,=,^ 

Dragons Valley is a dragon fan forum originally founded in 2006, its target audience was fans of dragons as well as self described Otherkin. Dragon Valley's very first incarnation was meant to be a lifeboat for members of Tysha's dragon forum and to serve as a friendly competitor to contemporary sites such as Draconomicon and Dragon Realms. Unfortunately the original variant of our site collapsed early in it's development only a few weeks after opening, this ocurred in the spring of 2006. The site was gradually reconstructed the following year in the summer of 2007, but from that point on we never truly recovered and our small community of dragons and fans of dragons humbly drifted along through many years of ups and downs, stagnating but never vanishing completely, we've been resilient as would be expected of dragons and their ambitions.
Unfortunately, as all things must one day end, the original Dragons Valley ceased to function in December of 2018, it was designed from deprecated code and so we laid the old forum to rest that it might fly the skies of time and memory, it is now defunct, I was able to maintain a closed version of the forun for posterity up to 2020 until it was hacked and sadly deleted.The OG-DV had served us well for many years. But, like the mythical phoenix it has now been reborn anew with this modern revamp, we offer three sites in one within this domain, this, a forum and general hub, a wiki which can be edited by our members upon request and lastly, Dergpile, a social site for dragons.
NOTE: Due to privacy concerns, the majority of the interactive features of our community require a quick registration, but below is a brief tour of what is available, either publicly or to our registered members.
Features available to the public consist of the news, welcome and rules sections of the forum. The "About Us" page containing a quick site history, public writings, FAQ's, the Dracopedia, the site's event Calendar, our Dragon Map, our downloads, some assorted web links and lastly our site's Dragon Wiki. The vast majority of the site features require registration for the privacy of our guests and friends.
Features available to the public consist of the news, welcome and rules sections of the forum. The "About Us" page containing a quick site history, public writings, FAQ's, the Dracopedia, the site's event Calendar, our Dragon Map, our downloads, some assorted web links and lastly our site's Dragon Wiki. The vast majority of the site features require registration for the privacy of our guests and friends.
One of the primary goals we have as a community to do differently than other dragon groups is to accumulate a treasure trove of dragon and otherkin relevancy. These can be writings, speculations, theories, experiences or general insight that one may wish to share with others! We hope to begin by building a repository of dragon and otherkin speculation and experiences. Similar to Jafira's Otherkin Guide, but built up from the knowledge, experiences, anecdotes, and growth of countless others who wish to share! Likewise, why just stop there? We can have art, journals, blogs, videos, creative writings and so forth! If it's dragon'y or helpful, we wish to give you a place to share it all, however you like!
In addition to access to member blogs, shared videos and member galleries, we have opted to also allow registered members to submit their personal or relevant writings to be preserved and shared with others freely. Likewise, access to edit our site's supplemental Wiki will always handily be granted upon request or expression of interest, just let us know if you'd be interested and access to edit it will be promptly set up! It is our intended desire that Dragon's Valley will be a world of archived knowledge and experiences built by the views and contributions of our members friends and guests!
Over the years we have received commentary that forum based communities such as this are obsolete in our modern era of Discord, Telegram and real time social media, so as a response to changing trends we created an alternative to our traditional hub and created an entirely social media oriented alternative within a subdomain: http://www.DV.dragons-valley.com/ Dergpile has a small buffet of features and functions analogous to Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram, it's a sort of mix of everything, hopefully enough for our friends and visitors to share all things dragon and to have a fun experience in the process, please feel free to check it out!
Over the years we have received commentary that forum based communities such as this are obsolete in our modern era of Discord, Telegram and real time social media, so as a response to changing trends we created an alternative to our traditional hub and created an entirely social media oriented alternative within a subdomain: http://www.DV.dragons-valley.com/ Dergpile has a small buffet of features and functions analogous to Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram, it's a sort of mix of everything, hopefully enough for our friends and visitors to share all things dragon and to have a fun experience in the process, please feel free to check it out!
Dragon Valley's map feature has been utilized to pinpoint the location of over 100+ dragon landmarks from around the world, not just images or snippets of detail, but the exact locations to the best of our abilities.
Registration unlocks the ability to access the full forum:
Registration also unlocks access to a ShoutBox, add locations to the dragon Map, the ability to edit our event calendar, Private Messaging, the ability to submit content such as personal dragon writings, works or theories to the site, the ability to create a personal blog, the option to share videos and the ability to create a personal art gallery.
Registration also allows access to our community Discord, our server is a small but friendly group of dragon enthusiasts, we see ourselves as a family and are always eager to share friendship and support to new faces and friends who may wish to join or visit. Posts on our site's forum are cross posted to a side channel in our server so you'll never miss any new topics or posts.

At present, our Wiki is not bridged to the main site, but it only requires a quick note to staff if you would wish to contribute as an editor. Anyone is welcome to contribute to it so long as your additions are relevant and assistive! Jafira did their best to flesh it out with a few contributions of their own prior to opening the site to the public, please feel free to browse and check it out!
At present, our Wiki is not bridged to the main site, but it only requires a quick note to staff if you would wish to contribute as an editor. Anyone is welcome to contribute to it so long as your additions are relevant and assistive! Jafira did their best to flesh it out with a few contributions of their own prior to opening the site to the public, please feel free to browse and check it out!
Our Forum hosts a variety of dragon emoticon packs to assist in expressing yourself, we hope they'll be fun and playful in moderation!

Registered members have the option to mirror Youtube content in our community gallery, however If you scroll to the very bottom of the front page you will also note that there is a random video feed, staff or others will typically just throw random dragon videos or music down there on occasion just to keep things fresh and changing.
But in addition to random shared videos offered by staff or guests the video feature can also be used for more useful purposes such as interactive streaming or group events. The video feed at the bottom of the page can also easily publicly host videos from Picarto, YouTube and Twitch upon request! Jafira and staff would be happy to link to any member videos and would be eager to mirror them here on site for our friends and family to watch at leisure.
As our community's numbers and membership begins to grow, it may be possible to start a Steam group, we can perhaps play games together and stream the footage for others to watch as our group and friends play and game together!
As our community's numbers and membership begins to grow, it may be possible to start a Steam group, we can perhaps play games together and stream the footage for others to watch as our group and friends play and game together!
This site may not be the best, or the largest, it may be small and fledgling, but it has a purpose, to show those who love, connect, or identify with dragons, that they are not alone in their convictions, that although our visitors may be worlds apart, they may share one common conviction, one which can unite us, a singular agreement, an inner longing to connect with, and to know, that which we perceive to be dragon.
That in sharing experiences and philosophy, spirituality and theory, and a common love for all things draconic, we may unite, affirm, trust, and grow together, no longer will those who felt as outcasts need feel alone again. Should this site not be of your liking, or be found laughable, that is okay, there are many others like it, the Internet is a grand place, move on. But so long as I can show even a single person, that they are not alone in their beliefs, then I have changed a life, and this site has succeeded in its purpose.
I invite you to join us, join us on a journey of spiritual exploration, of self affirmation, of speculation, of theory and debate, of myth, and of fantasy. At times the road may be rough, or controversial, but in the spirit of our common connection with that mystic ever changing entity that we call dragon, we shall continue in our journey and grow stronger from our experiences.
We welcome you here!
We welcome you here!
~Jafira Dragon